Sneak into the shadows of Qubic, armed with our ninja-grade toolkit, and carve your path through the AI training wilderness. Collect shurikens and get your share of the pool revenues paid out in QUBIC each week. It's not just a mission – it's your destiny to join the ranks of the qubic ninja clan.
Harness the power of our PPLNS (Pay per last N shares) Qubic mining approach
In our Qubic mining quest, we recognize the valor of every warrior, regardless of the size of their arsenal. Aigarth values every bit of computing power, leading us to our democratic Shuriken rewards system. Each Shuriken signifies your share of the pool's revenue, rewarding every computational effort made. It's how we honor and recognize each miner's contribution.
Our battlefield is chosen, and it lies within the dominion of both CPU and GPU mining. This dual-strategy approach enables us to sharpen our tools and strategies, focusing on a top-notch mining experience accessible to a broader range of participants. We stay agile and inclusive, welcoming all who wish to join our ranks, regardless of their equipment.
Our mining operations beat with the rhythmic drum of Qubic epochs, each a week-long campaign from Wednesday to Wednesday, starting and ending at 12 UTC. This structured approach not only provides a steady rhythm to our mining efforts but also aligns perfectly with the Qubic network's payout schedule, ensuring that rewards are distributed predictably one week after an epoch's conclusion.
Dive deeper into the mechanics of PPLNS and our mining ethos in our FAQ section. Here, you'll find everything from strategic advice to technical support, all designed to enhance your mining prowess.